Advantages of Digital Marketing for Your Business In Kenya.

What is Digital Marketing in Kenya? All online marketing initiatives fall under the category of digital marketing. These include digital channels that can be utilized to connect with both present and potential clients, such as search engines, email, websites, social media, etc. Digital marketing, as opposed to conventional approaches, enables you to reach a broader […]

How To Get Maximum Benefit Out of Your Marketing Expenses With These Useful Tips.

Marketing a business should be a significant objective. The problem is that it can take a substantial bite out of your budget. It can be a challenge to get the best marketing strategy possible for your business with limited funds. There are several ways to get the maximum benefit for a small investment in marketing. […]

How Small Businesses Can Use Content Marketing To Build Brand Awareness.

Content marketing continues to be one of the most powerful methods for driving targeted traffic and winning over new customers – and it shows no signs of slowing down in 2022. In fact, new strategies seem to emerge every year, empowering more content producers to create more compelling and engaging content. Traffic generation is only one of the […]

How to Prove the Return On Investment of your Content Marketing

Content marketing in Kenya is growing in popularity as a method to engage customers and generate leads. Research shows that 78% of prospective clients prefer to learn about businesses through articles and content distribution rather than traditional ads. But how to measure the ROI of content marketing? This article will give you the formula. Creating engaging […]

How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media To Increase Donations And Boost Visibility.

Amidst the Covid-19 crisis, nonprofit organizations have faced onerous financial burdens. There has been a high demand for their services, which taxes their resources, yet their ability to bring in volunteers and host in-person fundraising events has been limited. Nonprofits rely on donations in order to survive, and during the pandemic, fundraising has become even […]

5 Ways Go-to-Market Strategies Will Change in the Post-Pandemic Economy

  The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a plethora of paradoxes. As the rate of employment has gone down, the stock market has surged. As we find ourselves more socially distant from one another, we’re connecting more than ever with friends and family. And as growth has slowed for many companies, their digital transformation has accelerated. […]

5 Digital Marketing Trends to Focus On During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Infographic]

Coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19, has affected many businesses, large and small. As a web development and digital marketing agency, here in Nairobi Kenya, we are seeing how COVID-19 is changing the way people are approaching their digital marketing strategy. Due to the virus, people’s behaviors have changed, lockdowns around the world are causing major […]

Reasons why Your Website Does not Rank on Google.

You’ve launched your website, written engaging content and you’re ready for an influx of visitors to start engaging and ultimately convert. On paper, everything looks good. In practice, however, your website isn’t ranking for its target keywords, or for any keywords at all. Why not? While the basics of SEO might seem simple, the actual […]

12 Steps to Create A Content Marketing Strategy for your Business.

Before we jump straight into the steps, we want to emphasize that a content marketing strategy isn’t a “nice to have”—it’s a fundamental requirement for success. In 2019, 61% of content marketers still say they do not have a documented content strategy, yet those who do have a content marketing strategy consistently rate their efforts as far more successful […]

How to make a Call To Action that yields conversions – with examples!

When we talk about Call to Actions, many ask “How can a few single words be so powerful for my business? Did you know that a single word can boost your click-through-rate (CTR) up to nearly 40%?Turning your traffic to actual sales begins and ends with a great call to action What is a call […]

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