Customer Pain Points: A Guide to Identifying & Leveraging Your Customers’ Problems

When starting your business, I am sure you had a few pain points that you wanted to solve for your prospects. Once you have identified your target audience, it is important that every business identifies issues that this audience finds urgent or frustrating. This major step of understanding customers’ pain points will give you a […]

Best SEO Practices Small Businesses Should Focus On.

In many ways, organic search rankings are the lifeblood of the online business world. However, SEO can be overwhelming for your business. Between local considerations, seeding the right content in the right places, and various other on-page and off-page factors, it’s tough to know where to begin even when it comes to basic SEO essentials. […]

Avoid These Common B2B Content Marketing Mistakes

I have seen so many B2B companies struggle with building an online presence. You might be churning out good content consistently but the results tell a different story. You are mostly missing obvious opportunities that could have had a much bigger impact on your business. This is mostly associated with common content mistakes you are […]

Tips and Tricks For Writing The Best Call To Action – with examples!

When we talk about Call to Actions, many ask “How can a few single words be so powerful for my business? Did you know that a single word can boost your click-through-rate (CTR) up to nearly 40%? Turning your traffic to actual sales begins and ends with a great call to action.   What is […]

5 Ways Go-to-Market Strategies Will Change in the Post-Pandemic Economy

  The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a plethora of paradoxes. As the rate of employment has gone down, the stock market has surged. As we find ourselves more socially distant from one another, we’re connecting more than ever with friends and family. And as growth has slowed for many companies, their digital transformation has accelerated. […]

Social Media Marketing’s Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

Since the COVID-19 started, so many small businesses in Kenya have realized how important going digital and using social media as part of a marketing strategy is. In this article today, I am going to break down some of the most frequently asked questions about social media marketing. So whether you are a newbie or […]

5 Ways To Get The Most ROI From Your Marketing Budget.

Organic reach has really been hard lately so many businesses are turning to Paid adverts to reach bigger audiences. You have to take care of your budget because of businesses re-shifting expectations when it comes to return on investment. These days, metrics on social media are not in terms of only likes, followers, or retweets. […]

COVID-19 Lowers Search Traffic – Why SEO Is Important Now!

If you are keen on how coronavirus has affected internet use, you will notice that internet use has increased. However, search traffic has dropped significantly. Does this mean that SEO is useless? No its not! From the COVID-19 trends and behaviors I have seen, I am going to share why SEO is still very important […]

Tips For Increasing Your Social Media Engagement.

Are you looking for more ways to prompt engagement with your brand’s social media profiles? Putting together a social media presence is one thing, but actually generating engagement and activity is another, and it can be challenging to get the initial conversation started, which can then prompt further sharing and reach. With more of us […]

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