ECDS Fact Sheet

Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Associations (ECCSA)

Creative, Design, Fact Sheet


The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Associations (ECCSA) required a comprehensive and professionally designed fact sheet for their Ethiopia Chamber Digital System (ECDS). The ECDS is a web-based application designed to streamline ECCSA’s service delivery, enabling the chamber to provide its services online to members, the business community (both local and international), and the public.

Our Approach:

At Becor Designs, we recognized the importance of clearly communicating the capabilities and benefits of the ECDS through a well-structured and visually appealing fact sheet. Our goal was to create a document that effectively highlighted the key features, functionalities, and advantages of the system, ensuring it was informative and engaging for a diverse audience.

Design Concept:

  1. Clear Communication: We structured the fact sheet to provide concise and clear information about the ECDS, focusing on its purpose, functionalities, and benefits to users. Key sections included an overview, core features, benefits, and user testimonials.
  2. Visual Appeal: To ensure the fact sheet was visually engaging, we incorporated ECCSA’s branding elements, including their color palette and logo. High-quality images, icons, and infographics were used to illustrate the application’s features and benefits.
  3. User-Focused Design: Understanding that the fact sheet would be used by a wide audience, we designed it with simplicity and clarity in mind, making sure that technical information was presented in an easily digestible format.

Execution and Delivery:

Our team worked closely with ECCSA to understand the functionalities of the ECDS and the key messages they wanted to convey. Through a series of collaborative sessions, we gathered the necessary information and iteratively refined the design based on feedback.

The final fact sheet was designed to be versatile for both digital distribution and print, ensuring broad accessibility. It effectively communicated the value of the ECDS, aiding ECCSA in promoting their new digital platform to members, the business community, and the public.

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