TMA Whistleblowing Brochure


Creative Design


TMA engaged us to create a comprehensive whistleblowing brochure aimed at promoting transparency and accountability within their organization. The brochure was designed in both English and French to cater to a diverse audience.

Key Features:

Understanding the sensitivity and importance of whistleblowing in fostering an ethical workplace, we approached this project with a focus on clarity, accessibility, and cultural relevance. Our goal was to create a brochure that was both informative and easy to understand, ensuring it could effectively communicate TMA’s whistleblowing policies and procedures.

Design Concept:

  1. Clear Communication: The brochure was designed to clearly outline the whistleblowing process, including how to report concerns, what to expect after reporting, and the protections in place for whistleblowers.
  2. Bilingual Design: To ensure accessibility, the brochure was produced in both English and French. Each version was carefully translated and culturally adapted to resonate with the respective audiences.
  3. User-Friendly Layout: We used a clean and professional design with distinct sections, making it easy for readers to navigate through the information. Key points were highlighted using bullet points, icons, and bold text to ensure they stood out.
  4. Confidentiality Assurance: Emphasis was placed on the confidentiality and protection offered to whistleblowers, addressing potential concerns and encouraging individuals to come forward without fear of retaliation.
  5. Engaging Visuals: The brochure included relevant images and graphics to make the content more engaging and visually appealing, ensuring that it held the reader’s attention.

Execution and Delivery:

Working closely with the client, we developed the content and design of the brochure, ensuring all information was accurate and clearly presented. We conducted thorough reviews to ensure the translations were precise and culturally appropriate. The final brochures were delivered in both digital and print formats, suitable for wide distribution.


The TMA Whistleblowing Brochure has been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of whistleblowing and the procedures in place to support it. By providing clear and accessible information, the brochure has helped TMA foster a culture of transparency and accountability. The bilingual approach ensured that the message reached a broad audience, reinforcing TMA’s commitment to ethical practices across all regions of operation.

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