Tech Blog

We love launching brands, creating entertaining content, and designing smart, friendly websites and applications. We also like to discuss our experiences and advice regarding these topics here on the Tech Blog.

10 SEO Basics You Need to Master in 2020.

People hear the word SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and think about complicated work they have to do for their pages to rank. What if I told you that you can master SEO  easily and you never have to struggle again?

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Social Media Goals you Should set in 2020.

It’s that time of the year again! Well it’s February but it is not too late to make new goals and resolutions for your social media. Setting Goals and Resolutions is something you can do to bring growth and success

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Reasons why Your Website Does not Rank on Google.

You’ve launched your website, written engaging content and you’re ready for an influx of visitors to start engaging and ultimately convert. On paper, everything looks good. In practice, however, your website isn’t ranking for its target keywords, or for any

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Android Predictions for 2019

In 2018 we saw a lot of new things, that actually revolutionized mobile technology in ways we could never even think of. It was an interesting year for the Android ecosystem. 2019 is going to be more interesting as the

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